Emuca Guías ocultas Slippe para cajones de extracción total con cierre suave y enganche, 440, Cincado, Acero

ID 4002905 / EAN 8432393106922




Características del producto

  • Guías de extracción total para cajones de profundidad 440 mm.
  • Diseñadas para muebles de hogar.
  • Se suministra por juegos completos con mano derecha y mano izquierda.
  • Poseen enganche para facilitar el montaje/desmontaje rápido del cajón sobre las guías.
  • Disponen de autocierre y pistón amortiguador en ambas guías, que proporciona un cierre suave del cajón.
  • Regulación vertical +3 mm mediante un gatillo.
  • Su rodadura se realiza sobre rodillos de delrin que permiten el guiado en sentido horizontal y vertical.
  • Carga máxima de 25 kg.
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Hinges for doors designed to fit out your kitchen, wardrobe, home, bathroom and office furniture with the highest quality at the best price. The main characteristic of the X91N hinges is that they are the same as the X91 but without the cushioning device, that is to say, they come with the traditional door closing spring. These hinges are used along with the X91 hinges on the same door in order to reduce the soft effect and the total cost at the same time.

They are available in a full overlay, half overlay and inset versions with 105º opening of the door. In order to install them you need to drill a 35mm hole beforehand for the concealed hinge. Fastening to the board is carried out using the screws included.

Likewise, they stand out for their easy installation thanks to the automatic clip assembly system of the hinge to the plate. Also, both have eccentric screwing for quick and convenient adjustment.

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Identificador 4002905
EAN 8432393106922
Formato 1 JG
PVPR (IVA incluido) 54,99 €
Tamaño Prof. 440 mm
Color Cincado
Dimensiones (1 UN) 6 x 6 x 53
Peso 1.806 Kg
Material Acero
Componentes 1 juego de guías

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